緣起 說到紅樓夢這部奇書,第一次的接觸大概是在我剛升國中時候;慚愧的很,看了前六回,印象中好像是《寶玉夢精》吧?就束諸高閣,很厚顏的打開磚塊厚的“奇書”最後一頁,簽上大名--當是讀過^^:,同時期《西遊記》倒是前後讀了數遍。
黛玉葬花 第二十七回《滴翠亭楊妃戲彩蝶 埋香冢飛燕泣殘紅》
取材自 http://www.nipic.com/show/2/25/f543468b2b741d73.html
這是 林語堂 的英譯
Taiyu Predicting Her Own Death
Tsao Shuehchin (曹雪芹)
Fly, fly ye faded and broken dreams
Of fragrance, for the spring is gone!
Behold the gossamer entwine the screens,
And wandering catkins kiss the stone.
Here comes the maiden from out her chamber door,
Whose secret no one shall share.
She gathers the trodden blossoms lingeringly,
And says to them her votive prayer.
I smell the scent of elm seeds and the willow
Where once did blush the peach and pear.
When next they bloom in their new-made spring dress,
She may be gone—no one knows where.
Sweet are the swallow’s nests, whose labors of love
This spring these eaves and girders grace.
Next year they’ll come and see the mistress’s home
To find her gone—without a trace.
The frost and cutting wind in whirling cycle
Hurtle through the seasons’ round.
How but a while ago these flowers did smile
Then quietly vanished without a sound.
With stifled sobs she picks the wilted blooms,
And stands transfixed and dazed hourlong,
And sheds her scalding tears which shall be changed
Into the cuckoo’s heartbreak song.
But the cuckoo is silent in the twilight eve,
And she returns to her lone home.
The flickering lamp casts shadows upon the wall,
And night rain patters, bed unwarmed.
Oh, ask not why and wherefore she is grieved.
For loving spring, her heart is torn
That it should have arrived without warning,
And just as noiselessly is gone.
I heard last night a mournful wail and I knew
It was the souls of parting flowers,
Harried and reluctant and all in a rush,
Bidding their last farewell hours.
Oh, that I might take winged flight to heaven,
With these beauties in my trust!
‘Twere better I buried you undefiled,
Than let them trample you to dust.
Now I take the shovel and bury your scented breath,
A-wondering when my turn shall be.
Let me be silly and weep atop your grave,
For next year who will bury me?
Oh, look upon these tender, fragile beauties,
Of perfumed flesh and bone and hair.
The admirer shan’t be there when her time is up,
And the admired shall no longer care!
跳轉連結 百度貼吧 _江蘇吧 的以圖譯文,非常適合我這圖文格;好好欣賞這不同的旨趣^^
緣淺 想要貼此文實因前日一網友病中仍不忘捎來簡訊問候,念其文,腦海頓時浮現《黛玉葬花》情景,感動莫以名狀;遂行此文記之。
後記 撰文同時得知讀書人再獲《藍眼關注》提名,欣喜之餘,也借花獻佛,預祝得獎!
黛玉葬花 Bury the flower(曲子是葬心)古箏彈奏
緣滅 滿紙荒唐言,一把辛酸淚!都云作者痴,誰解其中味﹖