Looking past Western media bias against China
文中道盡西方媒體對中國的諸多〝不公允〞。意指西方傳媒盡報憂不報喜擴大事端直把中國塑造成大不戡;唯一正面報導不過是“中國是個大發利市的國度(China is a great place to make money)”。葡萄酸的可以,你不能一面封鎖西方媒體入境採訪,卻來指責其報導不實非公。在其列林世界強權之一,與世界接軌日益繁複之際,“開放”是解決這些林林總總麻煩誤解的不二法門。要知道中方畢竟也是國際社會一份子,儘然強權影響全世界,而同時世界也無所不在的牽引著。抱持更加開放的胸懷才能更暢行無阻的融入國際社會,避開那些所謂的紛擾。
此文本該於此就了,那知拉薩暴行牽引網路躂伐聲浪四起,下圖來自 PhotoBasement 網站清楚說明一切看看吧:
schallstrom // Mar 21, 2008 at 10:23 am
You mean like more or less every government in the world is oppressing people/cultures who are not accepting the ideologies the respective state is built upon, including France, Japan, Germany, Russia, China, UK and USA?
Hah // Mar 21, 2008 at 11:18 am
@ schallstrom:
Was there ANY part in my post that said other oppressed people did not deserve the same right? Oppression is oppression and should always be fought against. I don’t recall saying that Tibetans had a monopoly on it.
Your post was obviously less of a response to me and more a display of your desire to draw parallels between China and so-called “civilized” western countries.
※※上圖文取材自 Photo Basement